I was asked just now, on another website, what my "style" was going to be regarding Chaos Dwarfs. As this is obviously important, I thought a post was merited. Firstly let me state that I have not yet finished formulating my ideas about this army and this is not final.
I am of the view that the "Chaos Warrior Mini-Me" approach to Chaos Dwarfs is an error and fails to reflect the culture of the race within the Warhammer world. However, the old Chaos Dwarfs had a cartoony side to them that many people don't like and doesn't fit in well with the new (and somewhat grittier) style to Warhammer miniatures of the last few years. I hope to produce Chaos Dwarfs that retain the Assyrian and Babylonian influences that characterised the old models (which was a great idea) but make them less comical and a lot darker and more menacing.
Chaos Dwarfs may have Chaos in their name, but they are not Chaos Worshippers in the traditional sense. Fashioning the Chaos Dwarfs as mini-me type models would be a bit like trying to convert Dark Elves from High Elves, by making them skinny Chaos Warriors. Dark Elves, just like Chaos Dwarfs, worship an evil god (who may or may not be Khorne in another guise) and they are sometimes allied with Chaos Warriors and Daemons.....but they are very much their own culture and Chaos Dwarfs should be too. I think the distinction between Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs should be more akin to that between High and Dark Elves; and indeed that between the Empire and Chaos Warriors.....rather than trying to make them like another army. Dark Elves remain elven and have their own culture, Chaos Warriors are men and have their style......Chaos Dwarfs need to be dwarven and also a novel race in their own right.
So to sum......yes dark, yes a bit choasy and yes, I am having hats.
Hope that helps, Nitro.
To alleviate potentially lethal levels of boredom, whilst staying in the deep woods of Maine, one rather hairy Englishman will see whether he's still as rubbish at modelling and painting Warhammer as he used to be. This will be a step-by-step account of the development of my new Chaos Dwarfs army and probably a record of my descent into mental illness as it all goes tits-up.
Beard Inspiration

Hammurabi, son of Sin-Muballit and 6th King of Babylon.
Hay to big HATS!! :D