Beard Inspiration

Beard Inspiration
Hammurabi, son of Sin-Muballit and 6th King of Babylon.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

A Bit of Good Fortune

I was just reminded about "bits" for the army, which are included in the target total.  I have bought one lot of bits from a left-overs pile of an already sold Beastmen army.  Contains the following (roughly, not seen yet):

40-odd shields (Gor and Ungor).
6-7 Banners.
Assorted Bestigor and Gor weapons.
Minotaur Heads (didn't say how many)
Lots of different horns, skulls and "other stuff" (sure it'll be useful for something)

That cost me $1.50, which seems cheap compared to eBay - which I am also looking at for certain bits.  I have a few targets before the weekend and I'm hoping their prices don't go up too much.  But bits are boring, so I'll stop it there.  From now on I'll just start a section called "Bits Total" and keep a running tally.

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