So, after much wrangling, haggling and general bargaining, I have my Chaos Dwarfs (and a good number of other things too). The sum of my army's units, excluding characters, now stands as follows (or will once I have converted the little buggers):
90 Chaos Dwarf Warriors
30 Blunderbussiers
40 Elite Chaos Dwarfs (I'm thinking I'll do one as Immortals and one as a unit I'm working on rules for)
10 Bull Centaurs
20 Wolf Riders (still waiting on some arms)
60 Orcs
100 Hobgoblins
4 Minotaurs
10 of my special orc unit (That I'm, again, developing rules for)
20 Sneaky Gitz
8 Warmachines of various sorts
I am still trying to get enough heads and shields for everyone, but that'll take weeks and as it will take so long to convert them all it's no big deal if they arrive later. I have enough stuff to do complete sample models for every unit and I now have all the necessary supplies, bar paints, for the job. I fly out on Monday and get to Boston on Tuesday afternoon, so all being well I will have my first pictures up here next weekend (showing what I have to work with). After that I'll post pictures of what I'm working on and will be seeking help and advice wherever possible.
I'll have to do the maths for how much everything has come to thus far, but it is thankfully well short of $300, meaning I have money left over for some centerpieces and characters. I've also decided to scratch-build my Earthshakers to save money, so that should be fun.
Regards to all.
*edit* the new units cost me $115 in total, so added on to the others that means I have spent $190 in total. So my army is working out at about 50c per model.
To alleviate potentially lethal levels of boredom, whilst staying in the deep woods of Maine, one rather hairy Englishman will see whether he's still as rubbish at modelling and painting Warhammer as he used to be. This will be a step-by-step account of the development of my new Chaos Dwarfs army and probably a record of my descent into mental illness as it all goes tits-up.
Beard Inspiration

Hammurabi, son of Sin-Muballit and 6th King of Babylon.
Dude, I'm so jealous. I just recently purchased an army for about $200 and didn't got maybe a third of the models. I'm really impressed with your thrift.
ReplyDeletebtw love the fluff. I write, I teach and have a beard, and it's partly my job to have a social life.
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ReplyDeleteHi, Nick.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, if I had bought all the stuff I wanted I would have spent hundreds more. I let a lot of stuff go because it was too expensive, including some stuff I now regret not buying. I've had to be a bit creative, emailing people who have just sold armies to see if they have parts and negotiating over prices with sellers - but all in all I'm pleased with how it's going.
I hope you enjoy the blog. Feel free to become a follower and pester me about things to keep me motivated.
Oh, I can pester? Sweet. Seen any skull pass goblins in the mail lately? Were you interested in any of the other stuff I sent you pics about.
ReplyDeleteHello, Nick. No goblins yet, as they were fed-exed along with my paint set and apparently paints are contraband material and it was all returned. I'm having it posted again (minus paints) but it will come regular mail so I assume it'll be a week or two. I haven't had any emails from you to my account, did you send the pics on Warseer? If not could you send again?
ReplyDeleteI'll put some hobgoblins up later so you can see what I intend to do to your Skaven.