Beard Inspiration

Beard Inspiration
Hammurabi, son of Sin-Muballit and 6th King of Babylon.

Monday, 13 December 2010

The Lords of Zharr.....

So, characters.......those are important.

Character models are important in any Warhammer army and they need to exemplify the characteristics that are important to their race.  To my mind, Chaos Dwarf characters have two natures.  Close combat characters for the Dawi Zharr should be heavily armoured and look capable of bashing pretty much anything to death.  Chaos Dwarf sorcerers, on the other hand, should be all about firey, magical death.  Both should ooze menace and power in their own way.  To that end I have made these chaps out of various bits and pieces:

I've tried to make each model unique, with it's own character.  I also want them to be somewhat fearsome and I think the lord model has that aspect to him.....the sorcerer lacks that edge, but I have a lot of work to do on him.

The lord model will be magnetised so that he can fight either on foot or be mounted on a Great Taurus - which I am currently working on ideas for.  The priest is purely for use on foot (or rather, on magical flaming column) and I have an entirely different priest planned for my Lamassu model.

The lord model doesn't look too dwarfy yet, but I think the beard will tie him to the rest of the army and his skull-helm will be "hat-ified".

Any idea, comments and criticism is welcome.

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